We help you keep on track by reminding you when you're coming to the next Phase in your plan!

Moms are empowered to take care of their kids with naturopathic care!

Challenging health circumstances are supported by Dr. Gaul and Resonance Wellness.
Coming Back for Follow Ups
The following visits are available to established patients only (patients that have already attended an initial naturopathic office visit):
Return Office Visits - Regular return office visits are about a half hour and they allow Dr. Gaul to be updated on your condition and make any adjustments necessary to your plan.
Extended Return Office Visit - If you have not been to our office for over 18 months, an extended first office visit is booked, which is 45 minutes long. If you require extra time, you may book this type of appointment as well.
Brief Office Visit - When an established patient is acutely ill, we may book you for a brief appointment. This appointment is for 15 minutes, and allows Dr. Gaul to do a brief physical exam and treatment plan for an acute illness.
IM Visit - This is a 10 minute appointment to administer intramuscular vitamins. Vitamins are billed separately in addition to the visit.
Metabolic Typing Visit - Metabolic typing is performed with one testing visit of 30 minutes and one follow up visit to discuss the results of 30 minutes. You must have followed the instructions to ensure the best testing, and be ready to give a urine sample (or bring one along) to your appointment. The data is collected on this visit, and you will receive a report regarding the results within 7 days including the imbalances found, the best balancing diet for your current situation, and a list of best and worst supplements for your imbalances.
Return Neural Therapy - If you are already a patient of Dr. Gaul's, book a Return Neural Therapy. No form is necessary for this appointment.
BioAcoustics - BioAcoustic visits are 45minutes and consist of a vocalprint analysis, a testing session for therapeutic sounds, a sound presentation, and a nutrition report.​
Aura Soma - Aura Soma appointments are 45 minutes long. Make sure to come 15 minutes early to select your bottles! Most patients take home one bottle at $60.

For Returning Patients
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