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Reasons Why I Became an ND #1/3

Dr. Allissa Gaul

Reason #1/3 – Plant Love

Years ago, I often studied in Cameron Library at the U of A, the science library. In that library they had one book on Herbal Medicine. It was a little paperback. At that time, there were still stamps in the backs of the library books (yes, I’m that old), and you could tell I was pretty much the only person that checked out that book. And why did I check that book out? I think it might have been fate! I did, of course, love gardening, as any of you who know me well will already know.

I started my undergrad degree in Pharmacology, and I was fascinated by the accounts of the use of plant based medicines. They were powerful agents upon which many of the most effective drugs are based. I briefly entertained the idea of becoming an herbalist, but the educational opportunities were few.

It was really a love of plants that finally clinched the decision to study Naturopathic Medicine. No-where else was there such a great education in herbal medicine.

As you may also know, we continue to make our own herbal tinctures, teas, glycerites and topical applications for our patients!

And my garden is still full of my favorite medicinal plants!

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